Anthony Weiner Is Running for NY Mayor, but His Campaign Logo Features Pittsburgh

Forever “Disgraced” Ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner announced this week that he’s running for Mayor of New York (we’ve been waiting for him to say it for a while now). So why did his campaign website, at about 3:45 p.m., feature a picture of Pittsburgh? Just left-of-center, you’ll see what looks very much to be the BNY Mellon Center.

And a bridge that looks very much like the Allegheny Bridge.

Don’t take my word for it–PA Politics has been on Weinergate deux from the start. Weiner, shamefaced by another grevious internet error, had by 3:55 p.m. already replaced the image with a random pixilated-looking cityscape.

For what it’s worth, there is an actual mayoral election going on in Pittsburgh right now. So if things don’t go well this summer …