Toms River 4-Year-Old Grabs Rifle, Shoots Older Child
CBS Philly reports that a 4-year-old child in Toms River, N.J., “grabbed a .22 caliber rifle from inside a home” and took it out to the yard, where the gun fired—investigators don’t know if the trigger was pulled, or the discharge an accident—striking a 6-year-old, who was last reported in stable condition. 6ABC adds that the older child was reportedly shot in the head.
The incident comes a couple of days after a Tennessee incident, in which another 4-year-old grabbed a loaded gun on a bed—a deputy was showing off his gun collection to friends at a barbecue—and shot the deputy’s wife dead.
It could be we’re aiming too high with the gun regulations proposed in the aftermath of the Newtown massacre. But jeepers: Can’t we find a constitutional way to keep loaded weapons out of the hands of 4-year-olds?