With Four Overdoses At One Philly Concert, Zeds Dead Is Either the Coolest or Most Terrifying Band in America

Based on the music at the band’s Soundcloud page, I’m guessing that the audience at a typical Zeds Dead show is very into blacklights, glowing necklaces, adult pacifiers, and lots and lots of Ecstacy. (Then again, it’s possible that I’ve just seen the movie Go too many times, and that my perspective is permanently stuck in 1999.) Further evidence of this theory comes from Zeds Dead’s show Saturday night at the Electric Factory here in Philadelphia where reports say that at least four people—concertgoers ages 15 to 25—overdosed. That’s just the number of people who went to the hospital: Initial reports suggested as many nine people passed out from overdosing. (Though, you know, maybe be careful crediting those overdose reports too much: I’ve seen folks pass out in the relatively genteel confines of an M. Ward show. Concert venues with lots of bodies generate more heat than hydration, even in the best of circumstances.) The Electric Factory’s website says it will have an announcement today on how it will make up the truncated show to ticket buyers. Just remember kids: Do not take the brown acid. [Philly.com]