DN Columnist Says Romney Losing Is Worse Than the Time Her Dad Died
Yes, the election is over—but the schadenfreude isn’t. The latest viral sensation is White People Mourning Romney, a Tumblr filled with pictures of sad, crying Republicans despairing over President Obama’s re-election win, basically turning political gloating into an Electoral College version of People of Walmart. Among the mourners? Philadelphia Daily News columnist Christine Flowers, who announces today that Obama’s election victory made her feel worse than her own father’s death. “When I woke up Wednesday morning, it was dark,” she writes. “There was something ominous about that midweek morning, something that I hadn’t felt in many years, something that I hadn’t even felt when my father died decades ago. It was sense of intangible, yet visceral, loss.” Which actually just kind of makes me sad for a number of reasons. Time to go back to laughing at Tumblr. [Philly.com]