“Creepy Love Letters” Reveal That Jerry Sandusky Thinks He’s a Lot Like Forrest Gump

Now that the jury is sequestered and deliberating the 48 charges against Jerry Sandusky, the prosecution has released some of the evidence against the former Penn State football coach, including the “creepy love letters” he allegedly sent to “Victim #4.” In one of them, Sandusky compares himself to Forrest Gump. [PennLive]

(Victim 4):

Driving home the other night, I had many thoughts. Some happy, some a little sad. As you know, I am very emotional and kind of let everything out. I’m not good at hiding my feelings. I have many “Forrest Gump” qualities and I thought a lot about that more as I was driving home. As you would expect, I cried at that movie.

I remembered Forrest and how he was so naive (oblivious to the world) and not very smart. He was so happy because he wasn’t caught up in being anything other than a caring person (I wish that I had more of that in me).

There was his wife and some friends who didn’t understand what he had and tried to find their happiness by partying and living the fast life. So many people look for happiness that way. It didn’t come for his wife or his friends. They turned away from him and went searching. Unfortunately, they only found hopelessness, despair and became depressed.

Forrest stayed loyal, he didn’t know any better. Somehow, people like him are blessed. He never gave up because he cared. When those special people came back to his simple life of love and concern they found hope and true happiness.

As you go through life you may have moments when you think that there is a lifestyle out there somewhere that is the answer. I hope that in the back of your mind will be a memory of simple times, hopefully laughter, joy and warm smiles.

Try not to ever forget all of those who care. Try to remember canoes, squirt guns, water balloons, fighting outside, miniature golf, Polish soccer, basketball, racquetball, football, swimming, studying, lifting, working, golfing, volleyball, kickball, soccer, laughing, hurting, arguing, crying, caring and so much more fun.


Forrest Jer