Wednesday’s Four-Alarm Fire in North Philly Predicted Years Ago
Yesterday’s Fire at the Old Edison High School Was Predicted Years Ago. Apparently, the city was warned about the likelihood that the vacant building would turn into a city-wide smoke signal a few years back. Good thing they took heed. [FOX 29]
Prosecutors Want Ailing Cardinal to Testify on Tape. A judge has been asked to order Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua to testify on videotape in reference to the sex-abuse scandals. The problem is that Cardinal Bevilacqua has cancer and suffers from dementia. [Inquirer]
Jersey Scientists Develop Alzheimer’s Test. Scientists from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey announced yesterday that they’ve developed a blood test that can diagnose Alzheimer’s with “unprecedented accuracy.” [Philadelphia Business Journal]
Matt Stairs is Retiring. Yes, the Matt Stairs. The man who became a legend in Philly with one swing of the bat in 2008 is officially retiring from professional baseball. Over the course of his long career, Stairs didn’t have much of an impact on Philadelphia—good or bad—but that one swing against the Dodgers means it’s likely he’ll never have to buy a beer in this city again. [NBC Philadelphia]
New Jersey to Spend $157 Million to Preserve Open Space. Governor Christie signed three land-preservation bills one week after an asthma attack landed him in the hospital. Any chance they played “Wide Open Spaces” by the Dixie Chicks in the background while he signed? [WHYY]
Jagr Compares Pens Fans to Crazy Ex-Girlfriends. “I know I’m the number one enemy in Pittsburgh. I don’t know why and I don’t care. It’s like when a boy breaks up with a girl and the boy is totally over it, but the girl starts to throw crap.” If he keeps offering up gems like that, he’ll definitely be worth $3.3 million. [The 700 Level]