Our Mayor, The One-Liner Wonder
When, in June, it was revealed that certain city -employees had been fixing parking tickets for acquaintances, the Mayor denounced the practice. “This city is not the phone company,” he said. “We don’t have a ‘friends and family’ plan.” Heh. A few weeks later, he was talking about overdue bail payments. “This is not a game,” he said. “You want to play games? Go down to the Wachovia Center.” Heh, heh. But seriously, folks: Where does the Mayor get his seemingly endless supply of bon mots? “It’s all him,” says press secretary Doug Oliver, chuckling. “Much to the dismay of his press office, our mayor frequently speaks right from his heart.” So when Nutter said, “If I were the Pointer Sisters, I could not be more excited” about this year’s Welcome America celebration, we were getting a taste of ol’ Mix Master Mike breaking out the skillz? “He can definitely mix it up,” affirms Oliver, whose favorite Nutterism came amidst the flash-mob crises: I ran for mayor; I didn’t run for mother.