Center City Apple Store Could Open This Week
Should You Teach Your Baby Sign Language? Front-page Inky story today in which some experts say it will raise their IQ and improve their language skills. [Inquirer]
Jenna Lord’s Body Is Found. After being missing since July 5th, the 23-year-old Delaware County woman was found yesterday afternoon in an abandoned lot in Camden. She was discovered by her uncle, as part of a 40-person search party organized by her family. [Daily News]
Will the Center City Apple Store Open This Week? Klein hears the new store on Walnut could open its doors this Friday. []
Obama Helps Fifth-Grader Fight Back Against Bullying. A West Philly fifth-grader sick of getting picked on started an organization and wrote to the President — and he wrote back, encouraging her. [Daily News]
A New Look at the Gross Clinic. Eakins’ masterpiece has been restored and will go on public display at the Art Museum on Saturday (through January). The Times weighs in on the importance of it all. [NY Times]
Want Wi-Fi on the Road? Get a Subaru. The Cherry Hill based carmaker will start offering wi-fi in its 2011 Outbacks. Cost is $499, plus $29 per month subscription fee. [Business Journal]
ABC: Obama May Offer Specter A Job. Once his term in the Senate is up at the end of the year. After that whole Sestak Jobgate scandal, the Scoop thinks this is what’s called irony. []