Should Pot Be Legal?
In favor of full legalization: 0%
State Senator Daylin Leach, 17th District, Montgomery and Delaware counties
“I don’t think it’s unreasonable for Pennsylvania to have this discussion. We have to evaluate what we are gaining from the prohibition of marijuana, what are the costs, and what a world without that prohibition would look like. I would want to hear from medical experts, sociologists and criminologists on the subject.”
Councilman-at-Large Wilson Goode Jr.
“The person should be arrested and forced to pay fines. I think it should be treated as a summary offense and that a person should be able to have his record expunged. It should not clog up the judicial system. Nonviolent offenders should be treated differently than repeat violent offenders.”
City Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell
“I believe that medical marijuana is fine. … I am for making [recreational use] a misdemeanor. I do believe in getting addicts help and not clogging up the judicial system.”
State Senator Edwin Erickson, 26th District, Delaware and Chester counties
“I would oppose it. I think that it leads to potential other abuses.”
Councilman-at-Large Bill Green III
“It’s not about decriminalizing pot. The issue is making it a summary offense. … I am extremely supportive of all the reforms and new ideas being proposed by the criminal justice board.”
In favor of full legalization: 86%
"Ye … Wait, what was the question again?” —Tom
“YES!!!! That is all I have to say … lol” —Tara
“It should be legal everywhere not just Philly! I mean when was the last time you saw someone smoke a joint and then go wreck their car or kill someone driving? And when was the last time you saw two high guys fighting?” —Albert
“It should be legal in the USA and TAXED! Just like liquor. I think that would solve the Education Crisis that the Nobama administration has missed.” —Justin
“The War on Drugs has been a farce. Open your eyes.” —Robert