A Pro to Know for Back Pain: Beth Downey
Whether it stems from an injury or too many hours at the office, almost everyone has felt it at some point — that nagging, uncomfortable sensation in your lower back. And if the medicine aisle at CVS has done little to take the edge off, it may be time to consider other options.
“About 50 percent of my clients come to me because their back is bothering them,” says Beth Downey, a certified Pilates instructor and owner of Body Precision Pilates Studio in Rosemont, who receives most of her clients through word of mouth. In business for over 14 years, Downey first opened a studio next to a chiropractor, giving relief to patients that couldn’t be helped by their chiropractor alone. “A lot of back pain is from misalignment,” says Downey. “Often, the very deep abdominal muscles are weak and aren’t able to support the muscles around the spine, which leads to inflammation and pain. You can have a six-pack and still have weak underlining abdominals.”
Even after a single 55-minute session, many back-problem clients report feeling better. Though she recommends non-Pilates pros sign up for a few private sessions first, the eventual goal is to move you into her small, capped-at-8 classes. “It takes close to two years for any of our instructors to become certified,” says Downey, whose nationally recognized teacher-training program draws people from along the East Coast. “When you’re working with people in pain, you really need to be able to assess the body and prevent further injury.”
28 Garrett Ave. Rosemont, 610-520-2348, bodyprecision.com; Private lessons: $75 for a single class, $650 for a pack of 10; Equipment classes: $250 for a pack of 10; Mat: $170 for a pack of 10; Drop-ins range from $20 to $32.