Ticket Alert: Maz Jobrani, Mike Epps, and Katy Perry

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Even with Obama in the White House, it’s doubtful that Iran is going to be a friend of ours anytime soon, so Iranian-native Maz Jobrani (pictured), part of the Axis of Evil comedy group, will probably have good joke-fodder for a long time to come. He’s at the TLA on February 6th. For a taste, here he is on Craig Ferguson. Tickets go on sale this Friday at 10 a.m. $29.

Funnier still is Mike Epps, the Def Comedy Jam vet. Lots of people righteously poke fun at Michael Jackson, but Epps was one of the first, and is still one of the best. Here‘s his Jackson routine. See him at the Tower the day after Christmas. Tickets go on sale this Friday at noon. $39.50 to $75.

And finally, there’s the always brightly dressed and allegedly homophobic Katy Perry, who will sing her controversial hits "Ur So Gay" and "I Kissed a Girl" at the TLA on April 5th. Tickets go on sale this Saturday at noon. $18.