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Sixth Borough believers, rejoice. BDDW, design-build furniture makers to demigods, has moved shop from Brooklyn to Port Richmond, sealing Philly’s status as the preferred refuge for big-city-rent-weary artisans. What are they making? Rustic luxury: salvaged Claro-walnut slab tables, cubic black-walnut side chairs, low-slung white lacquer credenzas with Osage-orange fronts, vintage-inspired bronze clocks
(like this Nixie desk model, from $2,400) and, now that they have more room, lots more modern craftsmanly pieces for, quite literally, kings of rock (Michael Stipe), kings of comedy (Jerry Seinfeld) and kings of countries (Jordan). Still, we locals ought not gloat quite yet: BDDW is holding onto the SoHo showroom.