Taste Readers
- 78% like to try new cocktails, spirits, or wines
- 67% enjoy alcoholic beverages; 3+ times per week
- 60% visit bars or night clubs; 1+ times per month
- 66% visit a Fine Wine & Good Spirits store; 1+ times per month
- 21% have special ordered a wine or spirit from Fine Wine & Good Spirits
- 41% visit a gambling casino; 1+ times per year
- 71% are married or in a relationship
- 52% have an annual household income of $60,000+
- 41% male
- 59% female
- 55% 25 – 44
- 35% 45 – 64
- Philadelphia Area – 31%
- PA Dutch Country – 23%
- Pittsburgh/Laurel Highlands – 20%
- Northeastern Mountains – 6%
- More than 600 PA Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores
- All PA liquor licensees: 22,000
- Additional distribution at Philadelphia magazine events
- Winter, Spring, and Fall issues: 250,000 printed copies per issue
- Holiday issue: 350,000 printed copies
*The Media Audit Jun-Aug 2013 and Taste Survey 2014