572 Ways Marriage Counts in Pennsylvania

Ahead of its town hall meeting on same-sex marriage tonight, the Mazzoni Center has released a sizable report laying out all the benefits marriage equality brings to us here in Pennsylvania — all 572 of them. The report, “How Marriage Counts: 572 Ways Marriage Counts in Pennslyvania, “summarizes the legal benefits and obligations conveyed by state-recognized marriage, identifying 572 individual statutory provisions that afford rights or create obligations based on marital status or otherwise pertain to an individual’s marital status.”

How did they get this chunky document together so fast after marriage equality passed in Pennsylvania, you may be asking? The report’s actually been two years in the making, an ambitious collaboration between Dechert LLP, and students from Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, the Drexel University School of Law and the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

It’s a great go-to guide for all the burning questions you have now that you’re enjoying your newfound freedoms — like what the striking down of PA’s DOMA means for adoption, out-of-state unions, and even divorce. To snag your free copy, you can download it here.