Gay Marriage Ruling Expected Today in Pennsylvania [UPDATED]

[UPDATE 5/20/2014, 11:22 a.m.]: ACLU reports that Judge Jones will make a decision after 2 p.m. today. I’ve contacted the Judge’s office for a quote, but was told he can’t make any remarks. Pins. And. Needles. Follow along on this post for more updates.

[ORIGINAL] It’s election day in Pennsylvania, which means it’s up to us to make all kinds of important decisions today (namely choosing the right person to boot Corbett out of office), but one major decision that affects all gays in PA is dependent on one man: U.S. District Judge John Jones III.

The ACLU of Pennsylvania reports that Judge Jones will hand down a decision on Whitewood v. Wolf by the close of business today. The case, filed by two dozen Pennsylvania residents following the Supreme Court’s decision last year to strike down DOMA, “alleges that Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act and refusal to marry lesbian and gay couples or recognize their out-of-state marriages violates the fundamental right to marry as well as the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

There are already rallies being planned across the state, including one this evening in Philadelphia. Folks are meeting at the City Hall Apron (north side) at 5 p.m. to await the decision.

Cross your fingers, and stay tuned to G Philly for updates. We could be in for one historic day.