Ron Lucente Named Delaware Valley Legacy Fund Board President

New DVLF Board President Ron Lucente (left) and Executive Director Samantha Giusti.

Delaware Valley Legacy Fund (DVLF) Board President Mark Mitchell is stepping down after five years with the organization. DVLF Executive Director Samantha Giusti sent me this release:

Mitchell has served in many capacities that include board member, vice president, and president of the Board. … He will continue to be involved with the local LGBT community, particularly with the Trevor Project. On leaving DVLF Mitchell said the following: “How does one eloquently say goodbye to an organization like DVLF? In my case one doesn’t. Although, I am leaving as board chair, I will be watching from the sidelines, being a donor, a connector when asked, and the organization’s biggest cheerleader for the next 20 years and beyond.

The position will be filled by Ron Lucente, who, as you may know, is one of the main planners of the annual TOY fundraiser that just took place last weekend. I reached out to ask him if this new position means he’ll have to give up the role of organizer. He told me that, “Some of my TOY responsibilities will be delegated, but rest assured I will continue to be closely involved.”

Other positions on the board include Wayne Knaub (Vice President), Michael Grosberg (Treasurer), Lauren Conrad (Secretary) and Fernando Gonzalez (Fifth Member).