READ: 3 Short Stories Highlight Triumphs and Struggles for Local LGBTQ Millennials

"Short-Stories by Twelve 20-Somethings" offers a fascinating peek into the lives of the next generation of Philly LGBTQers.

Recent Philadelphia University grad and new-media darling to watch Diamond Newman has put together a riveting collection of short stories from 20-somethings that feature three great must-reads from local LGBTQers. 

Short-Stories by Twelve 20-Somethings” is the latest venture from Newman, who, according to the bio on her website, is working to “develop and coordinate pieces of work that will connect and create conversation.” And these stories will definitely stir up some interesting chats. In one, a lesbian woman writes about a heated moment when her mom ridiculed her for wearing boys underwear. Another young gay man shares his nearly eight-year struggle with anorexia and bulimia that resulted from years of trying to suppress his true identity.

Keep reading for snippets of each of the LGBTQ contributions and links to the entire piece on “Short-Stories by Twelve 20-Somethings.

“The King and I” by Hallie Clark
Standing in the little boys underwear aisle, unless you are a parent (or a little boy), may cause the anxiety usually associated with buying condoms. At first you’re like: ‘Whatever, I don’t know these people. I’m a young adult and I’m going to do whatever I want to do. Only Gawd can judge me.’ And then you’re in the section and you’re like: ‘Oh f*ck is that my 2nd grade teacher? … Read the rest of Hallie’s story here.

“I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It” by Britney Vincent
One night at a party, very drunkenly, Jane kept introducing me to her friends. But it wasn’t just a, ‘Hey, meet Brittany.’ It was a, ‘This is Brittany, isn’t she gorgeous?’ type of introduction. It was flattering and at this point there was a bit of flirtation. Towards the end of the night she pulled me over to the corner and then… WHAM! She just started kissing me. … Read the rest of Britney’s story here.

“We Become What We Hate” by Josh Mullins
After years of being bullied for my gay and girly nature, I would be damned to be considered feminine by the hetero public. If only to gain their acceptance. This made me shut down as a person until I was practically nothing. Bit by bit, I tried to suppress anything I thought was too feminine. I tried to deepen my voice. I tried to hide my pop music interests. I tried to walk and stand like a man. It got to a point where I thought, ‘If I don’t move or talk, no one will know I’m gay.’ My disappearing personality was reflected in my disappearing body. I struggled with anorexia and bulimia for about eight years. … Read the rest of Josh’s story here.

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