The Dirt: What To Get At The Farmers Market This Weekend

No, not this kind of hedgehog.
This weekend is going to be a total fake-out, folks. We’re kicking things off with sunny, breezy weather, but by Sunday? Watch out, snow is back on the forecast. What to do with the ups and downs? Simply make the best of it. There remain plenty of root vegetables and potatoes if you want to embrace winter’s last hurrah by putting together a roast or a braise. Or, if you’re ready to move on, there are a few signs of spring at the markets, too.
Ham & Lamb – Easter is just a week away! Prepare for your holiday spread with a plan to stop by Canter Hill Farm at either the Bryn Mawr or Chestnut Hill markets tomorrow. They’ll have half-hams, as well as slices and wedges from their pastured pigs. If lamb is more your speed pick a leg up instead, either bone-in or butterflied. Plus, they’ll have plenty of eggs, bacon, and fresh sausage for all of your other holiday preparations.
Microgreens & Baby Greens – If you’ll lose your mind having to cook another meal of potatoes and turnips, stop by Two Gander at the Bryn Mawr Market or Taproot Farm at the Chestnut Hill Market. Both will have colorful, nutrient-dense microgreens to give yo a taste of the latest things springing up. Heading to Clark Park? Stop by Livengood for baby kale, baby collard greens, and even some baby turnips!
Kombucha & Beet Kvass – Spring clean your gut with probiotic foods by Food & Ferments, who are returning to the Rittenhouse market tomorrow!
Hedgehog Mushrooms – Primordia’s selection of mushrooms is just impeccable at the moment, but the prettiest color on the table is from meaty, golden hedgehog mushrooms. Though their color resembles that of chanterelles, you can tell the two apart if you turn them over. While chanterelles, like shiitake mushrooms, have gills that resemble the spokes of a bicycle, hedgehogs have projections resembling icicles or little teeth—hence the name “hedgehog.”The ones that Primordia is offering are from their contacts on the West Coast, but even though they’re not growing locally they’re still a special treat. Look for the hedgehogs and more at the Primordia table at both Chestnut Hill and Clark Park.
Escarole – Highland Orchards has fresh escarole at the Fitler Square market and the slightly bitter, lettuce-like greens might just be the perfect food for this weekend. Their freshness and crunch screams springtime, but their flavor calls for a nice warming pot of Italian wedding soup.