In Case Anyone Is Interested In Some Free Kombucha…

...Martha is having a happy hour tonight with free samples, some snacks and kombucha and kefir cocktails.

24 taps, 52 local spirits.

Our friends over at BeWell Philly found a “good-for-your-gut happy hour” happening tonight at Martha in Kensington.

Those of you who are regulars there know that Martha already serves up kombucha and kefir from behind the bar, and that they’ve been known to make cocktails using the fermented beverages (and all those lovely local spirits pictured). But tonight, as part of their Martha Mondays” series, they’re doing a whole evening dedicated to fermentables–bringing in experts, offering snacks, and mixing up some cocktails that will do good for your gut.

It’s all happening tonight from 5pm-7pm at Martha. You can check out all the details over BeWell.

How To Get Your Hands On Free Kombucha Today [BeWell Philly]