Tiki Coming to Midtown Village

Tiki is the next concept for this Midtown Village corner | Photo via Google Maps
Jason Evenchik, owner of Vintage, Time, Bar, Garage and Heritage is opening a tiki bar at 102 South 13th (the former Corner and APO) in Midtown Village. Evenchik, who is partnering with Time general manager Tim Heuisler, is going with a single word name, naming the “surf tiki bar,” Tiki.
Tiki will be a drink focused, casual bar offering both classic tiki drinks and Heuisler’s take on “new tiki.” A small Pacific Rim-inspired food menu will accompany the boozy drinks. Expect noodles, dumplings and meat on sticks. The vibe will helped along by a large tiki-inspired mural and a mix of surf rock and hip-hop.
The first floor of the narrow bilevel space will return to having a loungy bar vibe. The grand staircase to the second floor will be opened up. The outdoor deck will of course remain, now dubbed the Lono Deck, named for the Polynesian god of fertility.
Evenchik has wanted to do a tiki bar for years and his home even includes a wall of tiki grandeur. Look for an opening in Mid-May, fingers of course crossed.
Tiki [Foobooz]