Snuggle With an Alpaca at Philly Farm and Food Fest

Notice the alpaca photoboming this picture. He's the real MVP.

Notice the alpaca photoboming this picture. He’s the real MVP.

If the possibility of cavorting with trendy locavores isn’t enough to convince you to attend the Philly Farm and Food Fest this Sunday, April 12, then maybe this will: there will be alpacas present.

The humble, fluffy camelid (that’s a real word that means “in the camel family,” educate yourself) colloquially known as the alpaca (scientific name: vicugna pacos) has recently experienced a surge in popularity following Feb. 26th’s infamous Arizona Alpaca Chase (alternatively referred to as “alpacagate” or “llamagate,”–whether the animals in question were in fact alpacas or llamas remains an issue of hot debate). Feb. 26 also happened to be the day that we here at Foobooz initially wrote about Farm and Food Fest. Coincidence? I think not…

Anyway, you can still buy tickets to the Farm and Food Fest here. If anyone wants to take me to the Fest just let me know– Alpaca suitcase immediately.

Philly Farm and Food Fest [Official]