The Noord/Fond Passyunk Pig Dinner
You’d think with the amount of restaurants jammed onto East Passyunk, there’d be a less familial approach between owners. But Passyunk is proud, and they are proud together—the competition is never hostile. So when Joncarl Lachman and Bob Moysan came into town, they joined the Passyunk family, and Fond, right across the street, welcomed them with open arms. The hugging hasn’t stopped since.
To wit: On January 27th, they’ll be cooperatively bringing in a giant Gloucester Old Spot (that’s a kind of pig) and they’ll let you choose your own adventure…
Hors d’oeuvres start at 6:30 pm, and you decide whether you want to enjoy them at Noord, or at Fond. Dutchman, Rifko Meier, of Oysters XO, will be sending out his Oyster Girls, passing out North Atlantic oysters, shucked right there on the floor. But snacks will be different and delicious on both sides of Tasker St. (Joncarl is super excited about his appetizer: Zeeuws Spek, a sticky type of bacon from the Zeeland Province of the Netherlands). If you pick Noord for hors d’oevres, you’ll be eating dinner at Fond, and if you pick Fond, you’ll be dining at Noord. Just walk across the street at 7:30 pm, that’s when dinner starts.
The heritage pig will be provided by Kelly and Will Smith of Deep Roots Valley Farm—good ol’ friends of Lee Styer. They’ll speak about their farm, and then eat dinner with the guests.
The 5-course menu is still in progress, but they’ll be splitting the pig, literally, in half. Fond’s getting the head, Noord’s getting the liver, and I don’t know which is more compelling.
The dinner is $75 a head, plus tax and tip, and there’s only one seating, so call and make a reservation as soon as you can because they are both tiny restaurants.