Free Booze! Art in the Age Is Having A Happy Hour
Looking for some free drinks? If you’re a fan of Foobooz, of course you are.
Well I have some good news for you. Art in the Age is rolling out a new Happy Hour promotion at their brick-and-mortar store at 116 North 3rd Street which will involve free cocktail samples. Yes, you’ll also have to sit (or stand) through some sales pitches and suggestions that you ONLY use Art in the Age products and barware, but hey, did you miss the important part of the previous sentence? Free cocktails. I imagine you can probably tolerate some be-vested drink-slinger expounding on the wonders of mason shakers from W+P Design or Pok Pok Som drinking vinegars so long as there is a free drink in your hand, right?
Anyway, these AITA happy hours are going to be happening every Thursday from 5-7pm at the Old City store. They’ll be having different specials and promotions every week, and just so you can know what’s happening before you get there, they’ve conveniently launched the #AITAHappyHour hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.
Art in the Age [Instagram]
Art in the Age [Twitter]