From The Bookshelf: Judy Wicks Doing Signings For Her New Book
There are a few (though not many) universally admired citizens of Philadelphia. Sister Mary Scullion. Jose Garces. Meryl Levitz. Milton Street (that was a trick to see if you were paying attention). And Judy Wicks. Wicks is more than the founder of Fair Food and White Dog Café — perhaps the city’s first farm-to-table restaurant, and one of the few to provide health benefits to waitstaff. She’s a founder of the international locavore movement who counts world-famous sustainability pioneer Alice Waters as a fan.
Now, Wicks is releasing her first solo book, Good Morning, Beautiful Business: the Unexpected Journey of an Activist Entrepreneur and Local Economy Pioneer, an autobiography that traces her life as an activist and shows other entrepreneurs how they can apply their capitalistic endeavors toward the betterment of the planet. Though her official launch at the Academy of Natural Sciences next Thursday has sold out (sign up for the wait list here (, she’s holding book signings throughout the city over the next two months, in between junkets to New England and Colorado, and you can see Judy Wicks’s schedule of book signings right here.
From living with Alaskan Eskimos as a VISTA volunteer and working with revolutionary Zapatistas to cultivate a fair-trade coffee network in Chiapas, Mexico, to accidentally opening one of Philadelphia’s most enduring contemporary restaurants, Wicks has some fascinating tales to tell and some words of advice that she is uniquely positioned to dispense. And is there anyone else we’d listen to with quite as much attention?
Judy Wicks [Official]
White Dog Cafe [Official]