Wursthaus Schmitz Coming to Reading Terminal

reading terminal market

Robert Libkind’s Market Report spills the beans (and nuts) on two new stalls opening in the Reading Terminal Market. Brauhaus Schmitz’s Doug and Kelly Hager will be opening Wursthaus Schmitz just off the center court. The stand will sell German sausages and sandwiches for consumption at the market as well as well as for take-away. Also expect imported mustards and other German specialties for sale. Look for Wursthaus Schmitz to open before Memorial Day.

Not as far along is the Terminal’s plan to replace the Spice Corner. Libkind says negotiations are continuing with “a long-standing suburban vendor of nuts, spices, herbs, coffee, grains, and condiments.”

Vendors Lining Up For RTM: Wursthaus Schmitz, Nut Vendor [Robert’s Market Report]
Reading Terminal Market [Official Site]

Photo via pompomflipflop and the Foobooz Flickr Pool