30th Street Station: Not Just For Bums and Trains Anymore

If you haven’t heard of The Porch at 30th Street Station, don’t feel like you’re suddenly losing touch with everything that’s current on the city’s stuff-to-do beat. If you were to poll 100 Philadelphians, I’d bet that one, maybe two, would be able to identify The Porch as the new community gathering space developed on the lot on the south side of 30th Street Station. While there was much to-do in in the press in advance of the grand opening earlier this month, the name of the project – selected from a crowd-sourcing contest — had not yet been announced. After the event, there was no reporting on the winning entry. Sort of points to how events-driven our city’s media is, doesn’t it?

So, what, after this long intro, does this have to do with food? What this has to do with food, dear readers, is that tomorrow, there will be free food and food-related activities at The Porch. From 11am-1pm, the first of many festivals is taking place, and organizers know the best way to get anyone to an event is to offer free food.

So what kind of free food and activities, you ask (perhaps suspiciously)? Being that this is being designated as a fall festival, emphasis will be on fall flavors: a tasting of honey drawn from West Philly apiaries, an apple cider history lesson and tasting led by volunteers from Bartram’s Garden, free s’mores kits to the first 100 people, and a cooking demonstration by students of The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College.

Of course, there will be the requisite live music (bluegrass and country from West Philly’s Citywide Specials), and kids entertainment, like Give & Take Little Circus, Homespun Merry-go-Round, and Street Puppetry from Gepetta. But that’s not food, so we’re sorry for mentioning it.

Regardless, if you go, you’ll be the first on your block to know what The Porch is. And after all, isn’t that really why you read us?

You’re welcome.