New Brew: Zama Gets Coedo


If you’re the kind of person who seeks out off-the-beaten-path beers, you might want to head over to Zama sooner than later. The Rittenhouse Square Japanese spot — which, in case you missed it, just received three bells from the Labaninator — finally got in several cases of Coedo (they’d been talking about it since opening in December), a line of German-inspired craft beers brewed in Kawagoe in Japan’s Saitama prefecture. Right now they have a total of five varieties, from the cloudy Shiro wheat beer to the dark Shikkoku (the name of a Japanese style of black lacquer work) to the slightly sweet Beniaka, made from roasted sweet potatoes grown near the brewery. Prices range from $10 to $12 per 12-ounce bottle and quantities are seriously limited, so act quickly.