New From Flying Fish: Exit 16


What, you didn’t know that wild rice grows in New Jersey? Me neither. But our friends over the bridge at Flying Fish are apparently up on their wild rice trivia, as they just released this new double IPA made from 1,200 pounds of wild, brown, and white rice. Named for the Turnpike exit in the Meadowlands, an area where zizana aquatica rice can be found, Exit 16 is a follow up to the brewery’s Exit 4 American Trippel (the first in the Exit series, and the one that got MADD all up in arms over connecting drinking to driving), Exit 11 Hoppy American Wheat, and Exit 1 Bayshore Oyster Stout. It was going to debut at McGillin’s last week, but thanks to the big hubbub over “unregistered” beers, they had to wait until Monday so that their paperwork was all square with the kindly folks at the LCB. You can grab a glass of the 8.2% brew at McGillin’s (1310 Drury Street) or the Swift Half, or tonight at the Standard Tap, when Flying Fish brewer Casey Hughes will tap a firkin at 6 p.m.