The Khyber is Listed for Sale, Has History
This BizBuySell ad confirmed what we have heard whispered for months, the Khyber is for sale. Or if you prefer this version of the story, it was for sale. But what we had no idea about until Joe Sixpack blogged about it, is that its bar (pictured above) is from the Brewers Building at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial.
Here are some cool factoids about the 1876 Centennial and the Brewers Pavillion:
- The Brewers Building was not some shack.
- The hall featured a statue of King Gambrinus, German patron saint of brewing
- Anheuser Busch won its first medal for lager at the Expo. The medal can be seen in this ad.
Psst. Wanna buy the Khyber? [The Insider]
Khyber Update Part Deux: Stephen Simons [Philebrity]
Rumor Of The Day: Is The Khyber For Sale? [Philebrity]
Khyber for sale [Beer Radar]