Blog Round Up

Living on the Vedge visits Kostadinos Christios, “wild-eyed man in a silver box on 20th and Market” for some top-notch falafel. [Living On The Vedge]

Foodaphilia finds it is possible to have an affordable and delicious meal at Devon Seafood Grill on Rittenhouse Square. [Foodaphilia]

Philly Food and Drink finds there really isn’t anything wrong with good beer and a great view as is the case with the Manayunk Brewery and Restaurant. [Philly Food and Drink]

Living On The Vedge orders something we weren’t quite gutsy enough to try, the mac-and-cheese pancakes at SPTR. It was good enough to go into the “Brunch Hall of Fame.” [Living On The Vedge]

Foobooz Editor Arthur Etchells lets on that he’s big into French Rap. [The Clog]