Make: Six Yummy Homemade Energy Bars

Don't waste money on store-bought bars again. These six recipes for homemade energy bars are cheap and endlessly versatile.

The key to making a delicious homemade energy bar is this: Fill it with things you love. There’s almost nothing that won’t work crammed inside one of these little guys. To adapt any of the recipes below, just keep the same proportions and swap one thing for another (i.e. a cup of peanuts for a cup of almonds, if almonds are more your bag). You’re looking for a good mix of carbs and grains, protein, and some sort of binder to hold it all together.

Ready to start experimenting? Here are my favorite recipes for yummy homemade energy bars. Consider them your starting point.

Coconut, Cherry, Chocolate Chip Bars
via Food Confidence

This recipe comes courtesy of dietician Danielle Omar. Those two tablespoons of dietary fiber add 6 grams of dietary fiber to the batch.

Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars
via (Never Home) Maker

This one’s a vegan riff on a Runner’s World recipe, prominently featuring pretzels. And peanut butter. How can you go wrong?

Ultimate Energy Bar
via No Meat Athlete

Beans, beans, they’re good for your … energy bar? Apparently, so. What I like about this recipe is that includes a list of swaps for easy customization. (The beans are not optional, however.)

Banana Oat Energy Bars
via Honest Cooking

Wheat germ, Greek yogurt and mashed banana combine to make a banana-bread like energy bar. Chocolate chips are optional (but encouraged).

Homemade Larabars
via Foodie with Family

Larabars are expensive, yo. Here’s how to make your own at home. Bonus: These taste just like a Snickers bar.

Quinoa, Date and Almond Energy Bars
via Time to Tri

A 10-minute, no-bake energy bar made with quinoa. Perfection.

>> Want more Be Well Philly recipes and healthy eating tips? Head over here.