The Checkup: If You Blinked, You Probably Missed Out on a Broad Street Bib
• Yesterday was either awesome or terrible depending on who you ask. Awesome for those of us—yes, I’m one of the Chosen 30,000—who were able to snag a bib for the 2012 Broad Street Run before it sold out in a record-breaking five hours (!!). Terrible if you’re among the legions of runners who couldn’t seem to get the dang Broad Street website to load, much less accept their registration and credit card info to secure a spot. NBC10’s social media manager Lou Dubois put together a nice little snapshot of the, um, frustration. (And no, I’m not bragging. Swear.) But before you completely dissolve into a puddle of angry tears, here’s a ray of hope: the powers-that-be over at IBX are offering an additional 2,500 bibs by lottery for those who weren’t able to secure a spot yesterday. Details are here.
• Do you shop organic? Some good news: The U.S. and European Union have agreed to accept each other’s organic standards, which means you might soon have more organic options to choose from at the grocery store. NPR has details.
• Uhh, this is crazy. A doctor in Michigan has successfully reconstructed a patient’s voice box using a piece of her shoulder blade. And here’s my favorite part of the story—what USA Today said of the doctor who performed the procedure: “Chepeha views the human body as a Home Depot for body parts.”