Learn Philly’s Secret History with Young Involved Philadelphia Tomorrow

Old City | Photo via Shutterstock

Old City | Photo via Shutterstock

Young Involved Philadelphia and City Running Tours are teaming up for this month’s YIP group run, set for this Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m.

If you’re not familiar with the YIP Running Club, it’s time to officially put it on your radar. The local networking and civic-engagement group geared toward Philly’s younger movers and shakers hosts a monthly running club on the first Tuesday of the month. They start at Philadelphia Runner’s Center City store, but no two runs are ever the same: Each includes a stop or two at a local place of interest, where a notable expert will share his or her know-how on a topic related to Philly. Think of it as part workout, part field trip. And, of course, the runs always end at a local bar for beers and mingling.

This month’s run sounds especially intriguing for any budding historians out there. The folks from City Running Tours will lead the group to multiple stops around Old City—some that you know of, some that are Philly’s best kept secrets—for mini history lessons along the way. In all, you’ll run about four miles. The run ends at a TBD bar in Old City.

The runs are for all levels and go at a conversational (read: casual) pace. Get more info or RSVP here.

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