Hollerrrrr! 30th Street Station Is Getting a Boatload of New Bike Racks

Photo by B. Krist for GPTMC
Wahoo! But I mean, like, finally right? Our Philly Mag news hounds reported earlier today that 30th Street Station is overhauling it’s pathetic bike-parking situation, starting with new racks that can hold at least 80 bikes being installed in November once the West Plaza project is over. And on the 29th Street side of the station, they’re putting in six new racks, creating 48 bike-parking spaces.
The news comes after the Bicycle Coalition launched a petition earlier this month asking for the dismal bike-parking arrangements to be addressed. Less than 200 signatures later—voila!
Unfortunately, if you ride a Vespa, the news ain’t so rosy for you …