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5 Tips for Apartment Gardening

You don’t need a few acres to grow your own fresh fruits and veggies this spring.

Tip #1: Pick the right plants. Certain foods can thrive within the confinement of a container including lots of herbs like oregano and basil, spinach and other salad greens, berries like strawberries and blueberries, and smaller varieties of plants like patio tomatoes or pickling cucumbers.

Tip #2: Pick the right container. Drainage is a necessity when working with pots because you don’t want the roots sitting in excess water. If your pot doesn’t have holes or a removable water reservoir tray — or even if it does — quality potting soil will be your best friend to help with the irrigation. Also, be sure to research how much space your plant will need to grow. A pot may seem fine for seeds, but will it be wide enough when the plant starts to bloom or deep enough when the roots grow?

Tip #3: Pick the right space. The rooftop, patio, fire escape, or a window box will all do, but remember that certain seeds will also grow just fine indoors as long as they have access to direct sunlight. Check the seed packet to see how much (and what type) of sunlight is required on a daily basis.

Tip #4: Water, water, water — but with caution. Regular watering, which means almost daily, also means monitoring the plants. Too much water will result in yellow leaves or rotting roots, while too little water will leave leaves dry and turning brown. Another suggestion? Give the leaves and stems a little extra moisture by running a humidifier.

Tip #5: Take it easy. Not ready to take the plunge on the edible stuff? This spring, give other indoor plants a go. Succulents, ivy, and ferns all are low-maintenance with a reputation for a long shelf life.

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