Property’s Morning Obsession: World’s Tiniest Library

In recent years, libraries have been increasingly besieged by funding cuts, meaning reductions in staff and hours. Perhaps, though, this world’s tiniest library, which takes advantage of our obsession of all micro-, can inspire people again. The little library is in New York, and is actually one of eight. From Atlantic Cities:

The curious reading hovel is the work of Stereotank, a design collaboration between Venezuelan architects Marcelo Ertorteguy and Sara Valente, who were responsible for last summer’s bicycle-powered musical whirligig on Astor Place. The couple built the library at the invitation of the Architectural League of New York and the organizers of the PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature. It is one of 10 mini-libraries now scattered in the ‘hoods below 8th Street, which will serve printed words to the public until they disappear in September.

How long would these last in Philly, we wonder?

World’s Tiniest Library Pops Up In New York City [The Atlantic Cities]