Here Are 25 Healthy On-the-Go Breakfasts to Help Keep You On Your Wedding Plan 



Our buds at Be Well Philly have really outdone themselves this time: They’ve rounded up 25 breakfasts that you can make the night before and just grab in the morning as you run out the door, hair half wet and already running late—and to boot, they’re healthy and packed with the nutrition you need to start your day off on the right foot.

We know, obviously, that you brides are crazy busy trying to plan this thing on top of your already hectic and overly-scheduled daily lives, and something we hear about often is how the whole wedding diet and workout plan thing can be really difficult to execute simply due to lack of time and basically feeling like you’re rushing around every second that you’re awake. Having some peachy chia pudding or a protein-packed oatmeal casserole (you can just hack off a square and keep heading towards the door) awaiting you in your fridge as you’re scrambling for your keys should help keep you from diving into those less-than-healthy options staring at you when you duck into the coffee shop near your office building. Every little bit helps, right? Scroll through ’em all right here.

RELATED: 13 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies That Taste Like Wedding Cake 

RELATED: Eat These 6 Foods to Get Glowing Skin For Your Wedding

For more on bridal health, nutrition and fitness, go here

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