Jimmy Fallon’s Horrifying Ring Avulsion Injury Is Another Reason to Make Sure Your Wedding Ring Fits

I was one of the many people in recent weeks who were fascinated to know what kind of finger injury Jimmy Fallon could have possibly suffered that would have kept him out of commission for so long.

I am also one of the many people who lost all feeling in their knees last night when Jimmy described what happened to him and his wedding ring, and who nodded along in confirmation when he warned the people of the world not to Google “ring avulsion”:

However, once I stopped gagging, I had a thought, and in my professional opinion, I feel like his ring has to have been a tad bit big in order for it to have had enough space to really grab onto that counter with enough force to essentially internally decapitate his entire finger. I also feel like it’s often the husbands who wear their rings a tad bigger than is a good idea (perhaps because unlike many ladies, they are not used to semi-permanent jewelry?), when it comes to not losing it—and, apparently, for not ripping one’s finger off while casually walking through one’s home.

But alas, I am not a professional, and so, I decided to ask one. And Rich Goldberg, president of  Safian & Rudolph on Philly’s Jewelers’ Row confirms my suspicions: “Usually when a ring is catching in such a manner, it is too large and should be sized down,” he says. “Many men are not used to wearing a ring or wedding band and opt for a larger size, thinking it will be more comfortable, but a snug fit is always recommended. And anyway, in a week or two you most likely won’t think twice about your ring because you’ll get used to how it feels.” (He also recommends taking your ring off when you’re taking part in any type of activity where it might snag something, but it doesn’t sound like such a precaution would have even helped poor Jimmy.)

Hear that? We know you’re not used to it, dudes, but make sure it fits. The bones and tendons in your left ring finger will thank you—and you will also thank yourself when you successfully avoid losing it and never hearing the end of it from your new wife.

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