Here’s An 8-Week Wedding Workout For Your Groom

Here's An 8-Week Wedding Workout For Your Groom


The next time your groom grunts at you without taking his eyes off the game when you inquire about whether he thinks you should go with the chicken or the fish as your second entree option, tell him this: Grooms who are more involved in the planning of their formal wedding, says a new study by Cornell University, are more likely to lose weight and be hotties (yes, that’s a science term) for their weddings than grooms who are uninvolved or who are getting married in a super casual affair.

Apparently, the average difference between what most grooms weigh during engagement and what they’d ideally like to weigh for their walk down the aisle (well, and lounging on the beach on their ‘moon) is nearly ten pounds. So to help grooms get on the straight and narrow and have a prayer of looking half as good as their brides will in their dresses, Men’s Health has put together an eight-week workout regimen designed to whip grooms into shape for their Big Day. The trainer even designed the program to broader guys’ shoulders and whittle their waists, for ultimate looking-hot-in-that-tux results.

So share with your dude, and we have a feeling you’ll both be happy you did.

Has your groom joined you on your get-dress-ready health and fitness kick with his own goals for being in great shape for your wedding?

RELATED: Today’s Grooms Want to Get in Shape For Their Weddings Just As Much As Brides

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