City Attorney Connected to Anti-Trump Graffiti Will Keep His Job

Duncan Lloyd was captured carrying a glass of wine while an accomplice vandalized a Chestnut Hill grocery store. He'll complete 40 hours of community service.

Courtesy Philadelphia Police

Courtesy Philadelphia Police

The city attorney who was connected to anti-Donald Trump graffiti in Chestnut Hill will keep his job, officials said this morning.

Assistant city solicitor Duncan Lloyd turned himself in last month after he was captured in security footage clad in an ascot and blazer, holding a glass of wine while an accomplice – who has not been named – spray painted “Fuck Trump” on the side of The Fresh Market, an upscale grocery store located at 8200 Germantown Avenue. The incident, which occurred on November 25th, caused between $3,000 and $10,000 in damage, police said.

Lloyd has been on a two-week leave without pay since he turned himself in. Craig Straw, the first deputy city solicitor of the Philadelphia Law Department, said no criminal charges have been filed against Lloyd. He’ll complete 40 hours of community service with the city’s Community Life Improvement Program – particularly the Graffiti Abatement Team – and keep his job.

Amy Kurland, the city’s inspector general, said in a statement that she is “comfortable with how this matter has been concluded.”

“I have reviewed the matter and have found that the punitive measures of unpaid leave and community service are appropriate and are consistent with the discipline imposed on city workers who have engaged in comparable examples of conduct,” Kurland said in a statement.

The Philly GOP released their own statement shortly after Lloyd was identified in the video, calling it “the most bourgeois sight imaginable.”

“For somebody with extensive legal training to feel entitled to vandalize a newly opened super-market strikes us at the Philadelphia Republican Party as an astonishing feat of idiocy,” the statement read. “The taxpayers should be entrusting exactly none of our faith into this man.”

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