The Best Thing That Happened This Week: Melania Trump Called for an End to Cyberbullying

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Melania Trump

Melania Trump, wife of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, speaks at the Main Line Sports Center in Berwyn on Thursday | AP Photo: Patrick Semansky

On Thursday in Berwyn, in her first major speech since the Republican National Convention, Melania Trump, wife of presidential candidate Donald Trump, delivered an impassioned plea for an end to rude, insulting Internet behavior, deploring American culture as “too mean and too rough” and noting that people’s feelings get hurt “when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence.” Meanwhile, in a national online poll, nearly half of teenage girls said Trump’s comments about women have affected the way they think about their bodies. Fourteen-year-old Jaelyn Justensen: “You look at pictures of the Ms. Universe and she’s not fat at all, and him saying that makes you feel different about your body, because you might be bigger than her.” Nice words, Melania, but charity begins at home.