Chris Christie Aides Head to New Hampshire

Governor apparently still laying ground for presidential run.

Forget Bridgegate. CBS reports that former Chris Christie aides are headed to New Hampshire — ostensibly to work on local political campaigns there.  But they might have broader opportunities in mind.

Two of the aides who helped direct the New Jersey governor’s re-election triumph last year have since moved on to high-profile positions in New Hampshire politics, and their presence could be a significant boon to a Christie campaign.

The first Christie confidant to make the transition from Trenton to Concord in recent months was his former regional political director Matt Mowers, who in November was hired to be the New Hampshire Republican Party’s executive director.

But there is no doubt that as he works to turn New Hampshire’s recently acquired blue hue a deep shade of red, Mowers will be picking up plenty of chits along the way –personal contacts made and favors owed, which he could potentially pass on to Christie after the midterms.

In state polling, Christie is currently second to Rand Paul, in terms of presidential preferences.