Conservative Calls for Christie to Resign RGA Post

Christie, leader of the Republican Governors Association, still taking Bridgegate hits.

Time reports that Ken Cuccinelli, the former Virginia attorney general, is calling on Chris Christie to resign as president of the Republican Governors Association. Christie doesn’t like the suggestion.

Cuccinelli lost a close race for Virginia governor last year.

“I think just from the perspective of setting aside this as an issue in other races, it makes sense for him to step aside in that role,” Cuccinelli said on CNN’s Crossfire Tuesday. “He does not serve the goals of that organization by staying as chairman.”

Later that night, Christie strategist Michael DuHaime responded. “This is disappointing, given the RGA was by far the largest single donor to his losing campaign, giving more than $8 million — a significant portion of which was raised by Governor Christie,” Duhaime said.

We’ll see if Bridgegate continues to siphon Republican support, or if this is a one-off.