Are Hall & Oates in the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame Yet?!

An update on the competition.

Here at Philly Mag we’re especially invested in Hall & Oates. In fact, today is Hall & Oates Friday. Because every Friday is Hall & Oates Friday. Actually every day is Hall & Oates Day. Sorry, let me get to the point. 

In 4 days. FOUR DAYS. In four days, the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame will announce its 2014 inductees. Garnering special consideration will be the top five musical acts selected by a special fan vote. Guess who is #5 and in danger of falling to #6? Yeah. These guys.

As of right this minute on December 6th, 2013, Hall & Oates is just 153 votes ahead of Peter Gabriel.


Look, we’re gonna lose to YES, which is a goddamn travesty. But at least we gotta beat Mr. Big Time. VOTE.

Actually, listen to this. Then VOTE.