The Lancaster, PA Dildo Factory Article Is Fake, Folks

It's from a satirical website called People of Lancaster.

The piece of satire from the 'People of Lancaster' website.

The piece of satire from the ‘People of Lancaster’ website.

The headline is enough to make an Amish farmer faint from embarrassment: “Planned Dildo Factory To Add 150 Lancaster Jobs.” Of course, I, too, was immediately intrigued by the story and thought it would be oh-so-wonderful if a sex toy manufacturer opened their doors in the back of some abandoned barns in the country.

But, alas, the article that started circulating around the interwebs yesterday isn’t actual news, but rather from a satire website called People of Lancaster. In short: It’s fake, folks.

The faux article that had a lot of local flavor claimed that “Mister Fister Dildos” of California was opening a new manufacturing facility in Lancaster that would provide 150 jobs to the region. Sounds like a win-win, right?

I saw the article all over my Twitter feed yesterday afternoon and I had to look into it a little further. It turns out that with just some quick Google searching, it’s pretty easy to see that the authors are transparent about the satirical nature of their website:

“People of Lancaster is a satire news organization based in Lancaster, PA. The content on these pages is mostly idiotic shit that we make up, mix up a hint of reality and spew it forth on the web. There is no overall goal or agenda, it is just a fun website. If you like it great.”

Their other recent hits? “Woman Accused of Selling Synthetic Bologna” and “Baby Born in Parking Lot Where Conceived.”

You can check them out on Twitter, @peopleoflanc.