How Does Pennsylvania Stack Up On the Geography of Hate Tweets Map?

The color-coded graphic zeroes in on the meanest tweeters in the land.

A team of researchers at Humboldt University has put together a graphic map of the United States that pinpoints the nation’s meanest tweeters. With what I’m sure was expert know-how, the students read through “geotagged hateful tweets” between June 2012 and April 2013, analyzing them for speech that came across as negative to the LGBTQ, ethnic and disabled communities. The results were then displayed on the above color-coded map, called the Geography of Hate, zeroing in on the worst offenders with a glaring blotch of red.

The anti-gay tweets comprised any messages containing the words “dyke,” “fag,” “homo” and “queer,” with the worst offenders coming from places like California, Oregon, Idaho and New Mexico. I was happy to find that there is a fairly minimal number of hate tweeters in Pennsylvania — especially around Philly. Northeast Philadelphia is sprayed with a light blue that indicates “some hate,” but the worst areas of the state, not surprisingly, are out in Pennsyltucky. Word to the wise: stay out of Warren, Pa., that’s the only part of the state to get doused in red. A few other outlying areas, like Franklin and Lewisburg didn’t fare too well either.

You can tinker around with the Geography of Hate map here.

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