The Best Gay Wedding Videos Ever Made

From singing with the Muppets to riding down the aisle on a unicorn. What else would you expect from a gay wedding?

If we’re on the same page today, you’ve had it up to here (I’m pointing way above my up-do) with all the mushy, gushy Valentine’s Day talk. But I also have a tendency to push things just a little far over the edge, which is why I’m here in the middle of this candy-coated afternoon to share Towleroad’s list of the 14 Most Romantic, Adorable Gay Wedding Videos Ever Made.

I can’t help it. They’re just too cute, and, especially after yesterday’s energizing press conference with the Pennsylvania legislature’s Equality Caucus, inspiring. I’ve chosen two of my favorites, one from the gay-male and one from the lesbian selections. You’ll have to head over to Towlerod to see the rest, you sweet little sap you.