A Healthy Super Bowl Party? Who Wants That?

Lord, the health nuts couldn’t leave it at the door, could they? Now they’re infiltrating our Super Bowl parties – the one night a year we actually get a good excuse to stuff ourselves with wings, nachos, chili and anything else gluttonous within arm’s reach (okay, make that two nights if you count NYE … well, maybe three if you throw in Halloween). ANYHOO, Sunday’s party at good old South Philadelphia Bar & Grill is … get this … not just geared toward the ladies but actually featuring healthy food and drinks.

Ew, like ladies watch football.

Not that we’re condoning this behavior one bit by the place WB 17 voted Philly’s best sports bar four years in a row, but if you absolutely must combine your pigskin with chick skin, you should know that the point of this is to raise money for the American Heart Association. I guess the heart association’s into healthy eating or something. The party’s being put together by Female Football Frenzy AHA (or F3), an annual initiative that gets people together during the Super Bowl to buy ticket packages that benefit charity. This year, the event that’s hosted by Tashyra Ayers, the local radio personality who founded F3, costs between $10 and $25. Different ticket tiers get you a bundle of things like admission to the party, T-shirts, a lapel pin and raffle tickets to win sports paraphernalia.

Sports dude Art Clear will stop by, as will Michael Vick’s wife and CBS3/CW Philly host Kharisma McIlwaine.  But the real question is: Are they going to drink the Skinny Girl cocktails and AHA-approved dishes like Chop Block Crudités with fat-free Ranch, Lateral Lettuce Wraps with Cashew Chicken Stir-fry, and Red Zone Roasted Vegetable Wrap Fourth Down Fruit and Yogurt Parfait for dessert, even if $2 from each order goes to F3? That remains to be seen. Though the good news is, if they don’t go for all this healthy hoo-ha either, there’s always the regular menu and the option to watch the game in another part of the bar.

South Philly Bar & Grill [Official]

Female Football Frenzy [Official]