Greatest Hits and What You Missed: Beer Week, Foie Friday and Everything Else Important In The World

I am under no illusions here. If you are a fan of Foobooz, I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are already one of two places right now.

Place A: Somewhere Beer Week-related or Beer Week-adjacent

Place B: At one of the restaurants participating in Foie Fridays

But hey, maybe you’re stuck at the office. Maybe you’re on the train. Maybe you’ve been living in a hole for the past two months and, just now, found your way out and back into the real world. It is for you hole-living, office-working SEPTA refugees that I write this post–a quick wrap-up of everything there is to do this weekend that you might’ve missed.

Have a great weekend everyone. See ya back here on Monday. And don’t worry. We’ll be hungover, too.