LaBan Review Finds Flaws at Birra

Craig LaBan likes the concept of East Passyunk pizzeria and beer bar Birra, but his review highlights problems with poor execution and flawed recipes.

The chunky tomatoes were less of a both­er (though not a plus, ei­ther) with spa­ghet­ti and meatballs pie, which was prob­a­bly the best of the nov­el­ty offerings — the noodles baked to an ex­tra lit­tle crunch, the meatballs ten­der with veal and milk-soaked bread. But the ad­di­tion of to­ma­to sauce and “white sauce” (mol­ten crème fraîche) to the “cheese­burg­er” piz­za com­plete­ly dis­con­nect­ed Birra’s ren­di­tion from any­thing resembling its name­sake. The ses­a­me-dusted pickles were a high­light, but two of my fa­vor­ite foods had es­sen­tial­ly dissolved into one di­sas­trous, in­dis­tin­guish­able heap.

One Bell – Hit or Miss

Craig LaBan Reviews Birra [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Birra [Official Site]